
名企研学交流报名 | 参访腾讯总部之腾讯云Visit to Tencent Headquarter-Tencent Cloud

Thu, 20 Feb 2025 14:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Thu, 20 Feb 2025 18:00:00 GMT+08


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    What You Can Gain


    In-depth Understanding of Tencent Cloud: 

    Gain a comprehensive understanding of Tencent Cloud's technology structure, products, and services, and how it empowers enterprises across various industries.


    Hands-on Experience and Interactive Demonstrations: 

    Participate in product experiences and interactive sessions to experience the powerful capabilities of Tencent Cloud firsthand.


    Smart Industry Case Sharing: 

    Learn through real-world cases on how Tencent Cloud provides solutions for smart industries and supports businesses to achieve digital transformation.


    Opportunities for Networking and Collaboration with Experts: 

    Interact with Tencent Cloud experts and Tencent Westart(SZ) Team, to gain valuable opportunities for further communication and collaboration and drive deep cooperation between both parties.


    Event Schedule

    14.00 - 14:30 

    签到与欢迎致辞 Registration and Welcome

    ● 在腾讯众创空间(深圳)安排签到,并参观腾讯众创空间(深圳)腾讯众创空间(深圳)。Arrange for registration at the Tencent Westart(SZ), and guide guests to tour the building to learn about the Tencent Westart(SZ).

    14.30 - 15.00

    前往腾讯总部并合照 Visit Tencent and Group Photo

    ● 步行5分钟左右前往腾讯总部腾讯滨海大厦,分发访问码或牌子。Walk around 5 minutes to arrive Tencent, distribution of access codes or name tags.

    ● 等待签到人数到齐后,邀请各位嘉宾前往拍照处合影留念,为此次参访留下一份美好的纪念。Wait for all guests to arrive. Invite guests to the photo area to take a group photo for documentation of the visit.

    15:00 - 15:30

    展厅参观 Exhibition Hall Tour

    ● 我们将带领各位嘉宾参观腾讯滨海展厅,参观内容包括:腾讯的发展史,了解腾讯如何从一个互联网公司成长为全球科技巨头。Guide the guests to visit the exhibition hall at Tencent Binhai Building, covering the: The history of Tencent's development and how it grew from an internet company to a global tech giant. The tour will include:

    ○ 腾讯的产业布局,探索腾讯在多个领域的战略布局及其在行业中的影响力。Tencent’s industry layout and its strategic positioning in various sectors.

    ○ 腾讯现行产品及能力展示,展示腾讯的核心产品与技术,包括腾讯云在内的各类创新解决方案。A showcase of Tencent’s current products and capabilities, including Tencent Cloud's innovative solutions.

    ○ 腾讯云企业赋能,展示腾讯如何通过云计算、大数据、人工智能等技术赋能各行各业。The empowerment of enterprises through Tencent Cloud's technologies like cloud computing, big data, and AI.

    ○ 其他布局与未来规划,了解腾讯如何在未来的技术与产业趋势中占据重要位置。Other future plans and strategies.

    ● 在展厅参观过程中,我们还将安排互动体验环节,让嘉宾们亲身感受腾讯云的产品和服务。During the exhibition, interactive experiences will be arranged for guests to engage with Tencent Cloud products.

    15:30 - 16:15

    腾讯云讲解与智慧产业案例分享Tencent Cloud Presentation and Smart Industry Case Sharing

    ● 参观结束后,我们将带领嘉宾们前往楼上专门预定的25楼会议室。After the tour, guests will be led to the pre-arranged 25th-floor meeting room.

    ● 由腾讯云部门的专家进行腾讯云的全面讲解,介绍腾讯云的技术架构、服务与解决方案。A dedicated Tencent Cloud representative will present a comprehensive overview of Tencent Cloud, including its technology structure, services, and innovative solutions.

    ● 此外,我们还将安排腾讯云架构师进行智慧产业相关的案例分享,让嘉宾们深入了解腾讯云如何助力企业实现数字化转型,并提供实际应用案例。Additionally, a software architecture will share relevant smart industry cases, illustrating how Tencent Cloud helps businesses with digital transformation through practical examples.

    16:15 - 16:45 

    中场休息与自由交流 Tea Break and Free Networking

    ● 在讲解和案例分享之间,我们会安排茶歇时间,根据企业规模和人数调整休息时长。 Tea breaks will be provided between the presentations and case sharing, with the duration adjusted according to the scale and number of companies present.

    ● 嘉宾们可以在休息期间自由交流,分享心得与想法。Guests can use this time for informal networking and sharing valuable insights.

    16:45 - 17:30

    互动环节与提问 Interaction and Q&A

    ● 在讲解之后,我们将进行互动环节,邀请嘉宾们提出问题,或分享对腾讯云技术的见解与期望。After the presentations, we will open the floor for an interactive session, allowing guests to ask questions or share their thoughts on Tencent Cloud's technologies.

    ● 本环节将鼓励嘉宾们通过提问与互动加深对腾讯云的理解和认识。This session will encourage engagement and deepen the understanding of Tencent Cloud’s offerings.

    17:30 - 17:45

    参访结束与自由交流 End of Visit and Free Networking

    ● 结束互动环节后,嘉宾们可继续进行自由交流,与腾讯云和腾讯众创空间(深圳)团队深入探讨合作机会和未来展望。After the Q&A session, guests will have time to freely network and discuss, discussing further collaboration opportunities with the Tencent Cloud team.

    ● 最后,我们将安排嘉宾们乘坐电梯下楼,结束此次参访环节。The visit will conclude with the guests taking the elevator down to the ground floor.


    Suggested applicants: founder/CEO/CTO and other executives


    Settled Company/Member Priority. Limited Seats. First Come First Served.

    如有疑问联系人Contact:Qiu秋 86-18138842655

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